Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why am I afraid to die?

Was pondering over this issue: why am I afraid to die?

If I ask myself a question: are you ready to die now? The answer would be a big NO...

Why? the reason is that I will miss so many things. I will miss my job, my wife, my family and all the enjoyment I have in life...I will miss everything. So definitely I want to continue living and enjoy life.

Will I be in the same situation 50 years from now. If I extrapolate, I am sure that would be the case. So don't we need a serious resolution into this matter. I started contemplating on this...

I don't want to die because I am afraid to lose the content of my consciousness. I am afraid to lose everything that I am attached to.

But what if the content of my consciousness is erased and still I continue to live in this world enjoying everything. Is that possible? I don't know. Because I have not experienced it. The idea is definitely entertaining because it puts an end to sorrow and misery once for all and at the same time does not deprive me from enjoying the world.

So if I can live and enjoy the world, without getting attached to anything, then the content of my consciousness will remain empty and the fear of death will disappear because I won't miss anything as I am not attached to anything.

How can this be achieved. Again - no technique. It will happen when it has to happen. If you have asked yourself this question: then your head is already in the tigers mouth. The process of this happening has begun...

1 comment:

Kasturi said...

Hmm....are u reading the conciousness part of the 'New World'? interesting thoughts i should say!